Videos by Tomas

Great news - one of our most popular photographers, Tomas is now also shooting video! Tomas has an amazing eye and ability to capture the emotion of the day to tell your story beautifully. Check our some of Tomas’s latest weddings below and ask us if he is available for your wedding day!

(Tomas is an internationally published photographer. He shoots in a candid documentary style. He is brilliant at capturing the emotion and energy of the day as the events unfold. His images are bright and saturated, full of colour and depth, yet with an artistic vintage feel. )

“Most of my couples would say that I have become a part of their special day and they were not even aware I was taking pictures. This makes for genuine photos through the eyes of someone that would be there with you all day as a friend. “ - Tomas

View Tomas’s Photography Portfolio Here

Dannah & David’s Wedding at Marylebone Town Hall

Videography by: Tomas

“Tomas!!!!!!!! I cried while watching the video you made!!!!!! I love it !!!! Thank you soooooo much😍😍😍” -Dannah & David

Rhian & Kit’s Wedding at Burgh House, Hampstead, London

Videography by: Tomas

Marc & Sherryl’s Wedding at Marylebone Town Hall

Videography by: Tomas

Voice Over Style Edit

Music Style Edit

“Tom, we just wanted to take a moment to thank you for sending over these amazing videos. Sherryl and I had a great time working with you and Marek - you are both fantastic directors!

We are truly impressed by your creativity and how you have pieced everything together. It was such a fun experience and we appreciate all the hard work you put into it.

We both love the video with the voiceover, it really brought out the character and style of the shots.

Once again, thank you so much for everything!” - Marc & Sherryl

Yusra & Faheem’s Wedding at Marylebone Town Hall

Videography by: Tomas

Smithi and Manou’s Wedding at High Billinghurst Farm, Surrey

Videography by: Tomas

Get in touch and

ask if Tomas is available for your wedding day!